Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Finally an ad I don't hate

As I've begun to write this blog and actively critique the things around me (not that I don't always critique the things around me, I'm just normally keep them down to 3 word summaries like "That fucking sucks" or "God that's terrible") I've noticed that, for the most part, I think most ads suck. It is for that reason that I'm tickled pink (or as pink as a black man gets) when I see an ad for a good cause that doesn't suck. Case in point:

This ad doesn't suck. . . . thank god, something that doesn't suck.

Why doesn't it suck? Simple, because it's simple. Without going the gross out route and showing some poor bikers head splattered across the car (I'm talking to you "anti smoking" and "anti sugary drinks" ads) they get across the point that cars smash up bikers. Furthermore they give the viewer a simple, achievable action to do, to prevent smashing up a biker "look". Of course there are things to improve upon. The name of the org is blending into the background and it's hard to see the website, but come on, who goes to the website anyway? Do I really want to learn more about how not to smash a biker while I'm driving? No not really. It's a minor technical point and certainly not enough to make the ad suck.

Good job whoever made this ad, you reminded me of the one key truth of advertising: Ads don't have to suck, it's just that most of the time ads are made by people that suck.

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