Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back from vacation

Wow, it's been so long since I've last posted. I have to admit, I haven't been out fighting the good fight, I've been on vacation, but the best thing about being on vacation, is that when you come back to the real world, there are a ton of interesting things to talk about. So I'm just going to make my return post a hodgepodge of interesting things I've seen over the past month.

1) The red scare

Over my career I've put together a political ad or two. I get the game. I understand that political advertising is about scaring people, but do we have to be racist while doing it? When it comes to evaluating this ad as a marketer, I have to admit that the ad is on point. Its shot beautifully, its focused, it gives a clear call to action (personally I'd recommend an easier to remember website name) and it screams republican without actually having to say the word (which would probably incur all sorts of rules and regulations if they did say the r word) but what I don't like is the fact that it capitalizes on xenophobic and racist fears of China taking over the US. This is one of those situations when advertisers have a great idea but have to ask themselves if this is something that they can ethically stand by doing. I guess they can look themselves in the mirror knowing that they added to closeminded fear of the Chinese and be ok with it, but I know I couldn't.

2) Don't Vote

Wow you gotta have huevos grande to actually put up an ad telling people not to vote at all. At least the first ad was well done, this ad is just long and un-American. Christ, I'm not even going to dignify this ad by talking bad about it.

(to be continued)